Thursday 16 March 2017



  Questions we asked
Why do you think this?
Do you think our advert is professional standards?
 I think this because the use of camera angles that is used and the quality of the camera.
Does our advert comply with advertising regulations? (BCAP code)

 Yes because there is no one getting hurt/abused, it does not offend anyone's form or culture and does not exploit any people who are trusted for example teachers/care workers/guardians.
Does our advert persuade you to buy the new dove product?

 The advert doesn't persuade me to buy the product because the actors don't really have much of an connection but the use of the hashtag tempts me to look at the product.
Do you think we managed to get the main message across to our target audience?

 Yes because the use of hashtag within our end shot, this would apply to teenagers quite well, also the use of the main actor which is a teenager.

Final evaluation for rebranding dove advert

Final Evaluation  
Section 1- The brief 
  1. What was the brief? Our brief was to re brand a product from Unilever of our choice and then rebrand it to a different target audience and then create a TV advert for our new rebrand product.  
  1. What was your chosen product and how did you decide as a group to choose it? Firstly we decided to do comfort and we came up with an idea of filming an tiger at a zoo and then it changes into a ‘cuddly toy’ so therefore it would rebranded for young children but we thought this would be too difficult to film because there would be problems in the costs as you’d have to pay to get in the zoo and have to pay for travel for example the petrol. Our final chosen product was ‘dove’ we decided to pick this as a group because it had a clear gap in the market and we had a few ideas on how to rebrand a new product.  
  1. Who is the current target audience for the product and who did you decide to appeal to? Why? The current target audience for dove products are middle aged woman. I know this because from their ads they have a different range of woman from the age range of 30+, for example older woman and plus sized woman this shows that dove is made for any woman above the range of 30+ and range of woman. We then decided to appeal our new rebrand of dove product to teenagers around 15-19 because we came up with a mother and daughter scene and we did this by making it more friendly and upbeat by adding quite lively music and the dialogue between the actors is very scripted and directed to sound unnatural.  
Section 2- The finished product&feedback 
  1. How did you collect the feedback (comments from others) on your finished advert from your target audience?We collected feedback by creating a questionnaire with a different range of yes or no questions and then they would have to say their reasons why so therefore for future references we could learn from the target audience and improve this. We went round the college/ the class to get them to fill it in because around our college there are loads of teenagers and this works well because that is our target audience for our advert.
  1. Appropriateness to audience: do you think you managed to get the main message to your target audience you specified in pre- production. Would the advert have an appropriate impact on them? I believe we managed to get the main message to our target audience. I think we did this by adding hashtags saying ‘#DoveIsntJustForMums’ which shows it’s for the younger audience because hashtags are used in social media. The main message we was trying to get across in our advert was the new dove product isn’t just for the older generation and this was achieved by the use of actors and the more upbeat of music we added into our advert.  
  1. Think about the technical and aesthetic qualities of your advertisement. Analyse your use of: mise-en-scence; camera; editing and sound. We applied Mise-en-scence in many ways, firstly the lighting we made it as bright as possible so therefore this shows it’s livelier. When watching this I think the viewers would feel happier to watch it and this would really catch the viewer’s eye. Also the music we added was really upbeat so this would put the viewer in a good mood and this could they make them want to watch it again. The costumes we used were just morning clothes such as a dressing gown and beds socks this connote that it was set in the morning and this is how a standard day starts so the viewers can really relate. We also edited it to do a lot of match on action shots to show just a normal conversation this also made the advert very realistic so therefore they can also relate to this part of the advert. Finally I think the script is quite cheesy so the advert was quite humorous and this could also catch the viewer’s eye and draw them in to watch it because it would possibly make them laugh.  
  1. Effectiveness of content: Do you think your finished advert effectively sells the product to the specified audience through its story/narrative? I think our finished advert does effectively sell the product to the specified audience through its story/narrative because for the main character we have used a teenager and her personality throughout the advert is exactly the way a teenager would act if they was in the same situation by getting into a bossy mood. 
  1. What was the effectiveness of the persuasion techniques you used to sell the product?  The effectiveness of the persuasion techniques we used to sell the product was again the use of character we used because using a bossy teenager would relate to our audience. Also the editing of our advert because we used upbeat music and finally the use of dialogue we used into our advert because we didn't add an extreme amount of talking so therefore the audience would not get bored and wouldn't be able to understand what was going on in our advert. So these techniques would draw our target audience, which is teenagers in to watch the advert and possibly buy it.
  1. Clarity of communication: What was the message you were trying to send to the target audience? What were the main techniques you used to send that message? The main message we were trying to send to the target audience within our advert was the new dove beauty cream bar isn't just for mums, its also for teenagers because dove adverts are focused on woman who our 30+ because the use of characters they use within them. The main techniques we used to send that message  was adding a hashtag within our advert saying '#DoveIsntJustForMums' and this would attract teenagers to look into the dove product more because hashtags are used on social media, also the use of characters we used because we used a teenager for the main character and she was the main focus throughout the whole advert and her use of dialogue she used was an hip/bossy language to appeal to them in hope that the young audiences would identify the new dove product.
  1. Overall, do you feel your advert fit for purpose? i.e does it look professional and does it comply with advertising regulations? You much ectract information from the ASA/ BCAP code here. Overall, I do feel our advert fit for purpose, as it does look professional because the filming was sharp with no grain and we had good lighting also we used a range of different angles to try from so we picked the best ones to make it professional as we could and we had good continuity through out the advert. I think our advert comply with advertising regulations such as the BCAP code because The BCAP code sets out regulations and laws that adverts must follow such as no graphic content that may be offensive to anyone and It may be sent off to make sure no codes have been broken and I believe our advert follows  the BCAP code by having no people getting abused or hurt, does not offend anyone's form of culture and does not exploit any people who are trusted for example teachers, guardians or care workers.
Section 3- Personal reflection 
  1. How does the final advertisement compare with your original intentions? Reflect on your documentation, e.g you storyboards and other pre-production, final advertisement and audience/peer/tutor feedback. I think we have improved a lot since our first original intensions on making the rebranding dove advert from our tutors feedback and the shot list. I think this because we have retook our advert several times and our first shoots didn't have great continuity because we shot them from only a couple of angles and we didn't have enough lighting so therefore the film was very grainy. Things have improved massively because we had some feed back from our tutor and he gave us different ideas on shot angles to make our advert better using continuity and he taught us how to use the camera properly so therefore we could get a sharp/crisp shoot so therefore it would look as professional as possible.
  1. Self-evaluation: Reflect on how satisfied you are with your final advert. Would you do anything differently if you were to undertake the task again? Finally, evaluate your own involvement in the project. We retook our film a numerous amount of times because we wanted to get different angles and because it was grainy so we rook it to get it as clear as possible from filming our advert from different angles we then has a lot to play around with. I am quite happy with our final advert. If we was to film it again I would improve it by possibly making the connection between the mother and the daughter more consistent. My own involvement in the project was filming, some parts of the editing and some parts of the pre-production work so I tried to help within everything.  

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Shot list

Props and Costume List

Props and costume list

·         A cheap tub of hand wash
·         A tub of dove hand wash
·         Sink with running water
·         A house

Costume List
·         Morning clothes such as pyjamas, dressing gown and slippers.
·         Normal day clothes such as jeans and jumper.