Thursday 16 March 2017



  Questions we asked
Why do you think this?
Do you think our advert is professional standards?
 I think this because the use of camera angles that is used and the quality of the camera.
Does our advert comply with advertising regulations? (BCAP code)

 Yes because there is no one getting hurt/abused, it does not offend anyone's form or culture and does not exploit any people who are trusted for example teachers/care workers/guardians.
Does our advert persuade you to buy the new dove product?

 The advert doesn't persuade me to buy the product because the actors don't really have much of an connection but the use of the hashtag tempts me to look at the product.
Do you think we managed to get the main message across to our target audience?

 Yes because the use of hashtag within our end shot, this would apply to teenagers quite well, also the use of the main actor which is a teenager.

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