Wednesday 14 December 2016

Production Schedule

Production Schedule

 Amy Allard, Jasmine Folkes, Leah Varney and James Lovett
Production                                                                           title:
Production dates:
Date & Time
Personnel, equipment & Props

On the first day we plan to do the car approaching the forest and stalling just in the clearing.
Props: Car
Equipment: Camera, Tripod Crew: All crew needed
On the second day we will film where the car has broken down and Jasmine has to get out of the car to find signal and try and sort the engine.
Props: Car
Equipment: Camera, Tripod Crew: Leah to film and James and Jasmine to act.
On this day we plan to hear the scream and then run into the forest and then the two actors will be split up and lost in the forest.
Props: None
Equipment: Camera, Tripod Crew: Leah to film and James and Jasmine to act.
At this point Jasmine will find blood smeared all over the trees and then also find James dead in a tree covered in blood and shortly after will be killed herself.
Props: Fake Blood
Equipment: Camera, Tripod Crew: Amy to film and James and Jasmine to act.
George is washing his hands in the toilet, in which is covered in blood. You cannot see his face during this film but only his hands. He then dries his hands and leaves mysteriously
Props: Fake Blood, Toilet utensils
Equipment: Camera, Tripod Crew: Amy to film and George to act

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